Busan Transportation Corporation achieved the following outcomes in accordance with its ESG management strategy.
ESG Outcomes
E Spreading Awareness of Eco-friendly Urban Railways
Designated the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month as [Urban Railway Using Day] and carried out the related campaign.
Busan City's urban railway transport share increased for 4 consecutive years which is the highest ever (18.7%).
Continued promoting eco-friendly policies for citizens, implemented a company-wide campaign to reduce disposable products, and reflected this for the performance reviews in each department.
E Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Reduced 743 tons of indirect greenhouse gas emissions through the establishment of an air quality-linked smart ventilation system (as of August 2024).
Secured surplus emission credits by reducing 27,825 tons of greenhouse gas emissions compared to the allocated emission quota in 2023.
Established an energy saving system through operating a company-wide energy crisis response TF.
E Implementation of Green Purchase
Won the Minister of Environment Award as the only local public institution selected as the best organization of implementing green purchasing
A 194% increase in green product purchase amount compared to the previous year (purchased rebar, powercables, LED lighting, and etc..)
S Safety Management Focused on Proactive Prevention
0 serious disasters occurred
Established LTE-R, intelligent digital metro-based prediction system
Received the Prime Minister Award for Safe Korea Training and the grand prize at the presentation for the best practices in safety and health activities
S Thorough Information Security
Simultaneously acquired the certifications of information security and private information protection management system (ISO 27001•27701)
Achieved excellent rating in the level of private information management diagnosis for 5 consecutive years
Conducted simulated phishing email response, DDoS attack response drills, and other related training
S Efforts to Resolve the Low Birth Rate
Won the Minister of Health and Welfare Award on the '19th Pregnant Women's Day'
Operating Korea's first pregnancy traffic light (Pink Light) and launched the app
Promoted policies for pregnant women to citizens and performed joint online and offline campaigns with related organizations
S No Labor-Management Disputes for 5 Consecutive Years
Reached dispute-free negotiations for 5 consecutive years by establishing rational labor-management relations derived from communication and harmony
On-site visit grievance consuling activities, labor management by on-site managers
Implemented progressive public labor-management relationship, conducting competency enhancement training
S Various Social Contributions
Provided pro bono service to repair old houses in the region (108 volunteering employees) and supported free home appliance (KRW 50,000,000)
Operated 112 career path activities and educational donation programs, which 5,105 people engaged.
Continued to donate by sharing Kimchi, excellent neighbor for performing blood donation and payment, and establishing health donation stairs.
S Provision of Customer Satisfaction Services
Improved accessibility for transportation-vulnerable individuals through the expansion (2 locations) and detailed design (8 locations) of mobility facilities
Provision of the first-ever non-face-to-face simultaneous interpretation service in 13 languages in Korea (Busan Station)
Making efforts to timely open new routes including Sasang–Hadan Line(Completion Rate: 68.5%) and Yangsan Line(Completion Rate: 81.7%)
G 1st Class in Overall Integrity
Obtained the first and only 1st class among similar organizations and public corporations under Busan City
Promoting integrity policies led by high-ranking officials and expanding the concept of integrity, including safety.
Sharing knowledge by consisting of a Busan-type MEGA Audit Advisory Committee.
G Operating a Transparent Board of Directors
Established first-ever ESG subcommittee under the Board of Directors among similar institutions.
Convened 5 meetings of the Board of Directors and completed reporting 3 agendas.
Disclosed the results of the meetings of the Board of Directors (on the website and Cleaneye)
G Excellent Institution for Providing Public Data
Selected as an excellent organization in the evaluation of the operation status of public data provision for 2 consecutive years
Achieved the error rate of all quality control data in the company below 0.01%
The number of public data use increased by 135% compared to the previous year. (16,734 cases)
Participation in the Global Data Hackathon(DIVE 2024) and won the grand prize